
I wrote this post on August 4, but I fixed it (kinda) last night.


I’m scrolling through Instagram, on the discover page, and I see facts about how studies show that black people are scientifically better than white people at this or that, or that they are superior. When I look at those post, it doesn’t make me feel better about being a young black lady, it makes me feel bad. I don’t want to be better than a certain race or gender, I don’t want to be more superior than a certain race or gender.

I know society sees the black race as inferior, but as long as we know we aren’t there is no need to find validation that we are not.

I just want to be good enough and I think that’s all that matters.

I know I’m good enough. I’m good enough for my friends, for my family. Just not enough for society.(#effsociety)

I understand why they put up those posts, but they need to stop. Let’s continue fighting for equal rights instead of putting other races down.


I’m scrolling through Instagram, on the discover page, and I see facts about how studies show that black people are scientifically better than white people at this or that, or that they are superior. When I look at those post, it doesn’t make me feel better about being a young black lady, it makes me feel bad. I don’t want to be better than a certain race or gender, I don’t want to be more superior than a certain race or gender. 

I know society sees the black race as inferior, but as long as we know we aren’t there is no need to find validation that we are not.

I just want to be good enough and I think that’s all that matters.

I know I’m good enough. I’m good enough for my friends, for my family. Just not enough for society.(#effsociety)

I understand why they put up those posts, but they need to stop. Let’s continue fighting for equal rights instead of putting other races down.

#fucksociety #allblacklivesmatter


   Today, I went to the library. Yay. I love going to the library, it always calms me. I’m glad I went I had to get some things off my mind. I haven’t read a book in the longest time. The last time I read a book was in December. That’s just sad.
So these are the books I checked out:

Kill Me Softly – Sarah Cross

That Summer – Sarah Dessen (favorite author! Her books are great! Dessen’s books always teaching you something like about friendship or being true to yourself and I like that. Also her books are very relatable)

Ugly Betty. The complete first season. I started watching it again. It’s a 👌🏾 show.

How To Be Popular – Meg Cabot (another one of my favorite authors. Cabot’s books are amazing. Her books are kind of similar to Dessens, but more dramatic and silly)

Avalon High – Meg Cabot

I feel bad for renting all these books because all of the authors are white. 

I’m very excited to read these books and watch Ugly Betty!


It’s hard being a teenager. Actually, it’s hard being in high school. You try your
best to fit in, but you never can. Well, for some people it’s easy to fit in. It’s weird, because people accept people who are different. But when you try to be yourself, which is different, they don’t accept you. Then you try to be like everybody else, but it still does not work. Yeah, high school confuses me. I just don’t understand, how does a person get that person who gets them? You know? Maybe I’m thinking too hard. Yeah, that is exactly what I’m doing.